“Not To Blame” - A Song Of Grandeur By Cellz & Kila G

Image Shot By @vuyopolson / Instagram

I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing the two virtuosos serenade listeners live with their stunning performances many times, so I was really looking forward to finally having the two songbirds release their joint track for the public to enjoy.

This single, titled “Not To Blame”, had the German-based singer and performer, Cellz, link up with his close companion from Cape Town, Kila G, bless listeners with their sultry performance, showcasing why they’re widely adored.

Cover Art For “Not To Blame”

The duo's passion for the art of music is clear through just a simple listen to this track. Kila and Cellz made sure to craft a heavenly atmosphere, combining elements of the Jazz and Soul genres for this lovely single.

The instrumentals were glorious to listen to, having attractive sounds float above their stunning vocal performances, as they told a tale of love and the questions that come with that emotion.

And don’t get me started on that chorus. Having the two talents harmonize with each other over angelic saxophone instrumentals was absolutely gorgeous to experience. Blue Glass’s contribution towards the track really came through perfectly, and this single displayed how beautiful music can really sound when great minds come together.

Big things are expected to come from both Kila G and Cellz this year, and we cannot wait to hear what else they have for us to savour.

In the meantime, I urge you to check out their newest single, now available on streaming platforms.


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