Jeriah’s Retrospective

Exactly 6 months ago Ntsika and I launched a website that had made his dream a reality.

We started this website to tell everyone what we already knew - that Cape Town had a wealth of talent on offer.

Now Cape Town has always been known as an artistic hub, but our focus wasn't the names that were already known. We wanted to tell people about the rest - the students, the youngsters, the people who have been in the game for years without getting the recognition that they deserve.

We wanted to find the people who pursued their passion for the love of it, and along the way it became my passion as well.

When he came to me with the name, it perfectly encapsulated what we were trying to do.

"The spirit and enthusiasm that animates an artistic performance" is exactly what we set out to find and understand, and what we try to convey through our writing.

Little did I know that I would find a new passion in this work, nor did I realise how deeply I would resonate with the people we have interviewed.

Through VERVE I have discovered that I am a writer, and through VERVE I have discovered a newfound love for our beautiful city

We have met so many people who have inspired us, and who have changed our outlook on what is possible when one pursued their passion

VERVE has changed my life in ways I could not have forseen. I would hope that it has done the same for the artists we have spoken to.

We could not have gotten this far without those artists; without them being willing to sit down with us and tell their stories, without them reading and sharing our words, without them giving us a new lens through which to understand creativity

We are thankful for everyone that has gotten us this far and we look forward to everyone we have yet to meet and connect with on this journey.

VERVE is bigger than just us, bigger than just art, bigger than just passion.

VERVE is the spirit that embodies this city, and the people that make this city what it is.

We look forward to what the next 6 months and even 6 years has to offer

And we hope you do too

- Jeriah


A letter from Vuyo Polson


The spontaneity of Rishi